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Italian Greyhound

November 04, 2022 12 min read

Italian Greyhound Breed overview

The Italian Greyhound is a small breed of dog. It was bred in Italy for centuries and is still popular there today.

The Italian Greyhound is a sighthound, meaning it's built to run fast and follow its prey by sight, not smell.

The Italian Greyhound is the smallest breed of sighthound. That might make you think it's not very fast or athletic, but don't be fooled—they're very agile and have been known to win races against much larger dogs!

Characteristics of the Italian Greyhound

Italian Greyhounds are a breed of small dog with a body longer than it is tall, made even more distinctive by the gentle taper of their muzzle to an elegant point. Their ears are long and tapered, and they have a short tail which they carry jauntily high. They should have short, silky coats that don't shed much, though they do need regular grooming in order to make sure their hair doesn't become matted or tangled. Italian Greyhounds are friendly, affectionate and playful dogs who like nothing better than snuggling up on your lap while you read books or watch TV together at night (but not too often--they're smart enough to know when it's time for bed!). Most Italian Greyhounds won't bark much at all if trained correctly from the start (though some will alert you if visitors come knocking if no one else is home). They're also very intelligent dogs who can be stubborn about learning new tricks without proper motivation--this is where their independent thinking comes into play! In other words: if something isn't worth doing for its own sake then why bother? It's up to us humans to make things interesting enough so as not only encourage them but also keep them engaged throughout life!

History of the Italian Greyhound

The Italian Greyhound is believed to have originated in ancient Egypt as a companion dog. It was also used as a hunter and for racing.

In the United States, they were first shown at Westminster in 1879 and have been involved with the AKC since 1885.


Italian Greyhounds live an average of 12-15 years and are generally healthy dogs. Some might develop heart conditions or bone issues due to the breed’s small size, but these can be managed with proper care.

Height and Weight of Italian Greyhound

  • Height: 11-13 inches

  • Weight: 10-15 lbs

Italian Greyhound Appearance and Color Variations

The Italian Greyhound is a small dog that has a long body and short legs. They have a thin muzzle, which gives them an expressive face. Their coat is long, silky, and often white or grey in color.

The Italian Greyhound can't always be determined by its appearance alone (though you can sometimes tell from the hair). The Italian Greyhound's personality is more important than its looks when determining whether it will make a good pet for your family.

Italian Greyhound Personality

The Italian Greyhound dog is a friendly, good-natured and affectionate dog. They are very intelligent, playful and lively dogs that enjoy the company of people and other pets in the family. The Italian Greyhound is an ideal companion for any home because they do not need much exercise, but still enjoy playing with toys or chasing after balls and frisbees. They are also patient when it comes to training because their small size makes them easy to handle. These qualities make this breed suitable for families with children as well as single adults who live in apartments or small homes where space is limited; however Italian Greyhounds will do best if they get some time outdoors every day since they love spending time exploring new places!

Italian Greyhound Temperament

Italian Greyhound are very intelligent and affectionate dogs. They are very loyal and they make excellent companions for older people. They enjoy being around people, but they do not like to be alone for long periods of time. They are good with children, but since they are small in size, it is best to supervise them when playing with kids over two years old.

Italian Greyhounds can be easily trained because they have a high intelligence level and love pleasing their owners by learning new things quickly; however, keep in mind that Italian Greyhounds may become bored easily if you take too long to train them!

Despite being quiet dogs, Italian Greyhounds tend to bark occasionally when someone knocks at your door or rings the bell (especially if there's food involved). If this happens frequently enough then consider training him/her not to bark by using positive reinforcement techniques such as treats or praise from his owner whenever he/she doesn't make any unnecessary noises while someone visits your home!

What’s the price of Italian Greyhound?

The average price of Italian Greyhounds ranges from $500 to $1000. This can vary depending on the breeder, quality of the dog and its color.

Pros of Italian Greyhound

  • Italian Greyhounds are affectionate.

  • Italian Greyhounds are playful.

  • Italian Greyhounds are loyal.

  • Italian Greyhounds are easy to train.

  • Italian Greyhounds are intelligent.

Italian Greyhound is an excellent choice for apartment living, as they have a relatively small size and temperament that makes them ideal for city dwellers or people with limited space at home who still want a dog companion in their lives!

Cons of Italian Greyhound

The Italian Greyhound does not bark much, but it does have a shrill and high-pitched bark that can be annoying. If you want a dog who will alert you to someone at the door or on your property, this is not the breed for you.

Dogs of this breed are known for being shy with strangers—especially if they are left alone for extended periods of time, which is something that all Italian Greyhounds do best when they have plenty of attention and exercise. A lot of this behavior may be due to selective breeding over the years: Italian Greyhounds were often used as companion dogs because they were small enough to curl up next to their owners while sleeping.

If you're looking for an extremely quiet dog who won't disturb neighbors or roommates when they bark at night, then an Italian Greyhound may not be right for your lifestyle!

Things to know if you own a Italian Greyhound

  • They're sensitive. The breed is known for being very sensitive and easily scared, which means your dog will need extra attention and care.

  • Their ears are prone to infections. Because of their long ears and thin skin, Italian Greyhounds are prone to ear infections. You'll want to make sure that their ears are checked regularly for signs of infection (like redness or swelling), since untreated infections can lead to permanent hearing loss or deformities in the ear canal itself!

  • They have allergies! Like many breeds with long hair, Italian Greyhounds develop allergies from time to time due to environmental factors such as pollen or dust mites; if your Iggy starts sneezing or scratching more than usual it could be an indication that he/she may be allergic!

Diet and nutrition of Italian Greyhound

  • Italian Greyhound is a small dog, so it doesn't need a lot of food.

  • This breed's metabolism is different from other dogs'. They are fast eaters and tend to wolf down their meal in one sitting. It's important to watch them when they eat so you don't overfeed them.

  • Italian Greyhounds have sensitive stomachs, which means they can't digest some types of food well. Feeding your pet with high-quality foods will help prevent digestive problems later on in life.


Italian Greyhounds are a very easy to care for dog. They require minimal grooming and don't need as much exercise as other breeds. They are good for people who don't have a lot of time to take care of a dog, or for those who live in an apartment and can't allow their dogs to run freely outside.


Italian Greyhound (IG) is a small dog that needs less exercise compared to other dogs. They are not suitable for apartment living and need daily walks. They have an average lifespan of 12-14 years so they need a lot of attention and love in their lives while they are young.

Italian Greyhounds are not ideal for people who have no time to walk them or play with them because they can easily get bored and destructive. However, Italian Greyhounds are great for people who want a calm, quiet companion who will be happy just sitting next to you on the couch all day long!


The Italian Greyhound is a very intelligent dog that likes to learn new things. They can be taught to fetch, walk on a leash and even take medication if needed. This breed is also excellent with children, which makes them great for families with kids or the elderly who need assistance with mobility issues. They do not require much exercise but like walks as well as playtime in the yard or other open spaces. Because of their size, they are not built for long hikes or jogs but should have an average amount of activity throughout the day to maintain good health and keep weight under control.

They are good watchdogs because they bark when someone approaches your home or comes into the yard; however, this trait can be annoying if you live in an apartment complex where barking isn't allowed!


Italian Greyhounds are low-maintenance dogs, which means you won't have to take them to the groomer every week. In fact, brushing their coats once a week should be enough to keep them looking sharp. If you want to keep your Italian Greyhound's coat clean and shiny, you can use a bristle brush or soft rubber curry comb on him once or twice a week—you'll need one with short-toothed bristles if he has long hair (or thinning teeth). You can also use a slicker brush on shorter hair; this type of brush has longer bristles than the ones mentioned above and works well for removing dead hairs from the topcoat. Nails should be clipped monthly with nail clippers designed for dogs that aren't too big in size (if they're too big, it will be hard for her owner). Teeth should also be brushed daily so they don't develop tartar buildup along the gum line where plaque is harder to remove than anywhere else in their mouth! Lastly but certainly not least: ears! Italian Greyhounds tend toward ear infections because they are prone towards allergies; cleaning out their ears daily will help prevent infection as much as possible!

How often should you bathe a Italian Greyhound?

How often you should bathe your Italian Greyhound is directly related to their coat type.

  • Short-haired Italian Greyhounds need to be bathed every 2-3 weeks, but if you notice that they are starting to look oily or dirty, then it's time for a bath.

  • Long-haired Italian Greyhounds only need to be washed once or twice per month as well.

Are the Italian Greyhound dogs good for families?

The Italian Greyhound is a small dog breed, and as such, it's ideal for living in an apartment. This means you can have a small dog but still have your own furry family member to cuddle with at night. In fact, Italian Greyhounds are often called "velcro" dogs because they like to be close to their owners—they're affectionate and loyal animals who enjoy spending time with their families.

Italian Greyhounds may be small but they're not fragile! Although they've got short legs and bodies, they're tough enough to climb stairs (as long as there are no heavy boxes on them). They also love running around outside—whether it's chasing after balls or playing tag with other puppies on the playground at school recess time! If you live in an apartment building but don't have access to any green space nearby then this could be another reason why getting an Italian Greyhound might be the perfect choice for your family: getting exercise isn't always easy when living in such tight quarters!

Dose Italian Greyhound get along with other pets?

Italian Greyhounds are generally good with other dogs, especially if they grew up together. They can also be good around cats and small animals, so long as they're introduced early on. Italian Greyhounds get along well with children of all ages. They might even make a great house pet for an older kid who has just moved out on their own for the first time—they're not too big or too small and don't need a lot of exercise.

Italian Greyhounds aren't usually recommended for homes with birds unless there is someone home at all times to supervise them during interactions. The breed does tend to chase fast moving objects, which means that if you have any birds in your home then you'll want to be extra careful about keeping the two separated at all times when no one else is present—your bird could easily escape from its cage through an open window while being chased by an Italian Greyhound!

Do Italian Greyhound bark a lot?

Italian Greyhounds are not known for their barking, but they do howl. They don’t need to be encouraged or taught to bark—it just happens. You can expect your Italian Greyhound to start barking when he’s hungry, excited, or afraid of something new. If he barks a lot and you don't like it, try teaching him to stop by saying “no” in a firm voice when he begins barking at something (or someone).

The alert sound that an Italian Greyhound makes is called “yipping.” It sounds very much like a small puppy whining or yelping because it's hurt. This is not as loud as regular dog barking; therefore, if you hear your Italian Greyhound yipping at night while everyone else is fast asleep and there aren't any other dogs around making noise either then this could mean that there's something wrong with your pet![11]

Are Italian Greyhounds aggressive?

Italian Greyhounds are not aggressive. They have a mild temperament, but they do not like to be left alone for long periods of time. If you're looking for an affectionate pet that likes to spend time with its family, look no further than an Italian Greyhound.

Italian Greyhounds are very good with children (and other animals). They love affection and attention from their owners and can even be trained to become therapy dogs!

Are Italian Greyhounds high maintenance?

If you’re looking to adopt a dog that doesn't require much maintenance and grooming, then an Italian Greyhound may be the right choice for you. They are not high maintenance in terms of grooming or exercise requirements. They only need daily brushing to keep their coat healthy. And they don’t need a lot of exercise, so if you work long hours or have limited space at home, this breed can still be the perfect fit for your lifestyle.

Do Italian Greyhound shed?

It’s important to know how much your dog sheds as it will influence your choice of home furnishings and the amount of time you spend grooming the dog. Italian Greyhounds are a low-shedding breed and this means that they only need to be brushed once or twice a week. However, that doesn’t mean they don’t shed at all – it just means that their hair doesn’t fall out easily and come off in clumps every time they move their head.

How smart is an Italian Greyhound?

The Italian Greyhound is a very intelligent dog. They are easy to train, and they learn quickly. It's possible to train an Italian Greyhound to do tricks, such as walking on a leash or sitting up on command. This can take some time and patience, but this breed learns easily and will enjoy learning new things!

Are Italian Greyhounds good walking dogs?

Italian Greyhounds make good walking companions. They are not high energy dogs and do not require lots of running around, but they can be playful and love to go for a walk with their owner.

Italian Greyhounds are not a dog that will chase after rabbits or squirrels, so if you want a companion that is always ready to run free in the park, this breed may not be the right one for you.

Can Italian Greyhound swim?

The Italian Greyhound is a very fast runner and can easily reach speeds of up to 18 miles per hour. It can swim, too! This pet is intelligent and easy to train, making it a great choice for families who want an active dog as well as one that will be a companion.

Do Italian Greyhound like to cuddle?

Italian Greyhounds are affectionate dogs and really enjoy cuddling. If you're the type of person who likes to have a small canine companion sit in your lap, an Italian Greyhound will be perfect for you.

Are Italian Greyhounds clingy?

Italian Greyhounds are extremely affectionate and loyal dogs, who enjoy a great deal of attention. They thrive around people and love being around them as much as possible. They are good with children, other pets, and strangers alike—and they seldom bark! Italian Greyhounds love to play games so if you want to spend some quality time with your new pet then consider getting an interactive toy that will keep them occupied while also allowing you to interact with them (and take pictures).

Italian Greyhounds can be trained to do tricks such as roll over or high five which makes them fun for kids or adults looking for a good laugh every now and then.

Are Italian Greyhounds good house dogs?

Italian Greyhounds are ideal house dogs, especially for people living in apartments. They are affectionate and playful, but they don't require a lot of space to play or exercise. They don't shed too much, so they're great for allergy sufferers as well.

Italian Greyhounds also make excellent companions for older people because they have no trouble adapting to a slower pace of life and respond well to that kind of companionship. If you've never owned an Italian Greyhound before but have always wanted one as a pet—or if you're looking at getting this breed again—here are some things to consider:

Are Italian Greyhounds hypoallergenic?

No. The Italian Greyhound is a non-shedding dog, but it still has dander and hair follicles like any other breed of dog. Anyone with allergies should go ahead and get an allergy test before considering adopting an Italian Greyhound, or any other kind of dog for that matter. Otherwise, if there are no adverse reactions to the breed in general then you should be good to go!


Italian Greyhound is a great dog for people who are looking for the perfect lap companion. They are very affectionate and crave human attention, so if you are a busy person who doesn’t have much time to spend with their pet then an Italian Greyhound might not be the best choice for you. If you want an active dog who can accompany you on long walks and runs outside then this breed might not be suitable either because they are not known as being very active dogs due to their small size.

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